Sunday, October 26, 2008

Brooklyn's Basic 4 Inch Bows FOR SALE!

This is LONG overdue, but finally I have my first set of bows up for sale! These are the Basic 4 Inch bows that I taught on this post. They are available currently in 6 colors with more colors to come in the future!

To purchase, just click on the "add to cart" button beneath the bow color of your choice, choose the number of bows you want in that color and it will be saved to your cart. When you are ready to check out proceed to the "View Cart" button on the left and it will direct you from there!

Happy Shopping!

Colors: (going clockwise)White, Shocking Pink, Purple, Rose, Pumpkin Pie, and Plum.

WHITE - 8 available

PLUM - 5 available

PUMPKIN PIE - 5 available

PURPLE - 10 available

ROSE - 5 available

SHOCKING PINK - 4 available

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